How to write product introduction? 7 cases to teach you how to write excellent product description copy

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Product introduction
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Product introduction and product description not only help to improve the store's search engine optimization (SEO), but also highlight the advantages and features of the product in the first place, bringing about click-through rate and conversion rate. Product introduction is definitely a key that merchants cannot underestimate. Battlefield, today I will share with you 7 key skills so that everyone can have a clearer direction in writing high-quality product introduction content!

Why is product introduction important to e-commerce?

Product introduction is an aspect that e-commerce companies cannot ignore when building their official website or any sales page. Although for some common products, introduction may not be necessary, but For novel or unfamiliar products, a complete introduction can spark consumer interest , prompting consumers to purchase, and basically a good product introduction should include basic information such as product functions, price, materials, design style, etc., and can further enrich the content, such as user reviews and product stories or brand stories. Content can deepen consumers’ understanding of products and increase their willingness to purchase.

Next, we will teach you in addition to these basic product introduction skills, you can use small product description copywriting tips to make your product copywriting more attractive than others. Come and follow us!

Product introduction tip 1: Who is the target audience?

Determining the target audience for product introduction is the most important step before writing product description. This helps ensure that the content we produce can accurately convey information and resonate with consumers. Here are several reasons why we need to determine the target audience:

1. Communication effect: Different groups have different languages, values, background knowledge and interests. Identifying the target readers can choose more appropriate words, style and tone to communicate with readers more effectively.

2. To arouse interest: Understanding your target readers’ interests and needs allows you to create content that is more attractive to your readers and piques their interest.

3. Topic categories: Different target readers may have different action goals, such as purchasing products, learning knowledge, participating in activities, etc. Understanding the target readers can help us effectively determine the topic and direction of writing.

Want to identify the target audience for your product presentation, but where do you start? We can use the following methods:

1. Market research: Understand the market for which the product or theme is oriented, and analyze the characteristics, needs and preferences of the target audience.

2. Social media: Use social media platforms or website statistics to understand the characteristics of the target audience, such as age, gender, geographical location, etc.

3. Questionnaire: Create a survey that asks potential consumers to answer questions about their background, interests, and needs.

4. Reader feedback: Collect and analyze readers’ opinions and feedback to understand their concerns and needs.

Product introduction tip 2: Keyword setting

We often see people on the Internet saying that we need to set keywords when writing articles or setting up websites. So why do we need to set keywords? What benefits can keywords bring us?

Why set keywords?

Setting keywords when writing product descriptions is to optimize the structure and content of the article, so that our product introduction can be more easily displayed to potential consumers by search engines during online searches. , through effective keyword settings, you can greatly improve your ranking in search engine results pages, thereby increasing traffic and exposure, and attracting more potential customers.

How to set keywords?

In fact, the steps to set keywords are very simple. Here are some methods of setting keywords:

1. Find product-related keywords: Product introductions can include keywords directly related to the product. These keywords should be words that potential customers may enter together in a search, such as product name, category, function, etc.

2. Competing Keywords: Analyze how your competitors’ product descriptions are written, understand the keywords they use, and try to use similar vocabulary to attract a similar target audience.

3. Long tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are relatively long phrases that usually allow users to find the information they want to search more specifically. Although the search volume is smaller, they can help us target specific audiences more accurately.

4. Tools used: Use a keyword research tool, such as the Google Keyword Planner, to find a keyword and understand its search volume and competition.

5. Natural integration: When writing product introductions, keywords should be naturally integrated into the content. Don't be overly deliberate or put too many at once, because what retains readers is valuable content, and content quality should not be ignored just to satisfy search engine algorithms.

Product introduction tip three: article structure writing (slide effect strategy)

In the field of writing, There is a strategy called the "slide effect", which makes readers feel as if they are sitting on a slippery slide once they start reading, and they are unconsciously stuck in it and unable to stop. Eager to continue reading, this structure guides readers from the engaging part at the beginning to the core information of the product. By gradually revealing the features, advantages and value of the product, it leads the reader to a deeper understanding of the product, and builds interest and resonance during the reading process. Ultimately encouraging them to take action.

Product introduction architecture template

If you are not sure where to start, you can refer to the architecture example we provided. If we use the slide effect to write a product introduction of XX Bodybuilding Tea, we can get the following content:

Product introduction title/introduction (interesting)

Do you often try various methods to lose weight, but always find it difficult to see significant results? Or have you tried many healthy drinks but nothing really meets your needs?

Tell the customer’s pain points (introducing the topic)

Under the influence of the concept of pursuing a healthy life in recent years, many people have been working hard to build an ideal body shape. However, long-term exercise and diet control may not only make you feel tired but also see no results.

Explain that the product solves the problem (eliciting the solution)

This is exactly the problem that our newly launched "XX Bodybuilding Tea" can solve. Our tea is a blend of high-quality natural herbal ingredients that can promote metabolism, increase energy consumption, and at the same time give you a pleasant eating experience.

Strengthen the description of product advantages (in-depth content highlights uniqueness)

Our XX bodybuilding tea uses a variety of scientifically proven herbal formulas. These ingredients can help you accelerate fat metabolism and lose weight. The specific ingredients in the tea also help suppress appetite, making it easier for you to control your diet and achieve healthy weight loss. important goal.

The exclusive formula of XX bodybuilding tea has been carefully developed and does not contain any harmful ingredients. Our specially selected herbal combinations are not only delicious, but also designed to help you stay comfortable and motivated during your workout.

Call readers to action (increase conversion rates)

If you desire to have a healthier body and a beautiful body, try our XX bodybuilding tea now! This will be your right assistant on the road to fitness, allowing you to enjoy health and vitality while pursuing your ideal body shape.

Instantly generate product descriptions that comply with AIDA marketing:

Instantly generate product descriptions that comply with AIDA marketing:

Product introduction

Tip 4 for product introduction: Add materials that stimulate the senses

When we write product introduction You can make abstract concepts more concrete by using wording that enhances the sense of the product. , Vivid, allowing consumers to immediately imagine the taste of the product more intuitively , Appearance , Touch, etc. , so as to have a deeper understanding of the advantages of the product.

Examples of product introductions using sensory-enhancing words

So how to enhance the sensory wording of the product? Take bodybuilding tea as an example. It is assumed that this bodybuilding tea can help increase energy and promote body metabolism. Below are two versions of the product description, one is a more abstract version and the other is a version that enhances the sensory wording.

1. Abstract version: "Our bodybuilding tea helps boost energy, boost metabolism and help you feel better."

2. Sensory wording version: "Tasting our bodybuilding tea is like recharging the body! The fresh taste brought by each sip makes you feel like you are in a tea garden, feeling the breeze, as if every cell is awakened, and every cup is like Add some morning sunshine to your day and give you energy to take on challenges with ease! ”

In the second version, we used more specific sensory words to describe the experience of tasting bodybuilding tea, so that readers can imagine the situation and feeling of drinking bodybuilding tea, so as to have a deeper understanding of the value of the product.

It is recommended that you use GenApe e-commerce product description to help you quickly write eye-catching product descriptions:

It is recommended that you use GenApe e-commerce product description to help you quickly write eye-catching product descriptions:

Product introduction

Tip 5 for product introduction: Provide real cases or data to support

When writing a product introduction, The authority and credibility of the product can be highlighted in a timely manner. If the product has obtained international certification or recognition from an authoritative organization, these certifications can be mentioned in the product description, and data can be used to prove the specific benefits that the product can bring to consumers. , you can also provide users’ real cases or experience sharing to highlight the product’s advantages over other competing products.

Data-supported product introduction example

The following is an example of bodybuilding tea to illustrate this concept:

1. Version without data support: "Health and beauty come from the inside out, choose XX bodybuilding tea and taste the taste of health!"

2. Version with data introduction: "Health and beauty come from the inside out. Choose XX Bodybuilding Tea, which has twice as many polyphenol beneficial bacteria as other drinks! XX Bodybuilding Tea has also obtained international OO food certification, ensuring that what you taste is not only delicious, but also a healthy product that has been strictly tested. select!"

Product introduction tips six: Show the popularity of the product

When consumers compare choices, they are easily influenced by product limitations and product reviews. Therefore, properly displaying the popularity of a product is the key to promoting purchase. It is recommended that stores include the following when writing product descriptions: "Hot-selling all over the Internet" , "Constantly good reviews" , "Only the last XX pieces left in stock" , "Too many reservation calls to answer" Such as promotional slogans that can create product rarity, or actively share reviews from past customers to attract more potential consumers.

Product introduction tip 7: Appropriate description tone and wording

Before writing a product introduction, We should transform complex and difficult professional knowledge into easy-to-understand language , imagine that you are talking face-to-face with consumers, and use appropriate tone and words so that they can quickly understand the characteristics of the product, because the tone of the article description will greatly affect the consumer's viewing experience. If the brand focuses on a lively and people-friendly image, the description However, the tone is professional and authoritative, which can easily make consumers feel alienated while reading and give up purchasing.

Product introduction sample copywriting

Take bodybuilding tea, which is mainly targeted at young people, if the copy is "XX bodybuilding tea is filled with a variety of antioxidant elements, which can boost immune function, effectively catalyze the fat burning process, and thus promote the gradual improvement of skin color." Such an introduction is indeed full of professionalism and objectivity, but it may confuse most consumers. , unable to understand the actual meaning behind these terms.

However, if we Convert the above description into a more understandable way For example, "XX bodybuilding tea can effectively help you protect your immune system, promote body metabolism, and give you more energy; it can also help you burn excess fat and give you a healthier complexion." Such a description will make consumers Understand in a short time the advantages of the product and the practical benefits it brings to the individual.

Product Introduction AI Writing Assistant Recommendation

After reading so many tips on product introduction, do you feel more confident in creating product introductions? GenApe can automatically help you generate attractive product features and product descriptions by simply filling in the main keywords of the product in the e-commerce product description assistant. , and can generate multiple different types of copywriting at one time, and can freely adjust the description tone, helping you easily generate super-high-quality product descriptions with one click, becoming an inexhaustible source of inspiration for you!

GenApe There are also various online marketing copywriting assistants available, whether you have writing experience or not, GenApe All can help you realize your potential in the field of copywriting creation, experience it immediately GenApe , start showing off your copywriting skills and inject more appeal into your copywriting content!

GenApe There are also various online marketing copywriting assistants available, whether you have writing experience or not, GenApe All can help you realize your potential in the field of copywriting creation, experience it immediately GenApe , start showing off your copywriting skills and inject more appeal into your copywriting content!

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Table of contents
  1. 1.
    Why is product introduction important to e-commerce?
  2. 2.
    Product introduction tip 1: Who is the target audience?
  3. 3.
    Product introduction tip 2: Keyword setting
  4. 4.
    Product introduction tip three: article structure writing (slide effect strategy)
  5. 5.
    Tip 4 for product introduction: Add materials that stimulate the senses
  6. 6.
    Tip 5 for product introduction: Provide real cases or data to support
  7. 7.
    Product introduction tips six: Show the popularity of the product
  8. 8.
    Product introduction tip 7: Appropriate description tone and wording
  9. 9.
    Product Introduction AI Writing Assistant Recommendation


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