SEO Writing:10 Key Points to Improve SEO Article Ranking

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SEO Writing
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To stand out in the fiercely competitive online landscape, the craft of composing SEO articles emerges as a matter of paramount importance. It bestows upon a website the gift of organic traffic. In this composition, I shall impart the art of crafting SEO articles, breaking down the article's structure into 10 distinct steps, encompassing elements such as the article's title and its overarching framework. This expedient guide shall empower you to promptly compose an SEO article, thereby elevating your ranking in the search engine results

Difference Between SEO Articles and General Articles

SEO articles serve a dual purpose: they are crafted for the discerning eye of search engines while also catering to the human reader. In 2023, Google’s official stance places significant emphasis on the Search Generative Experience. Consequently, well-regarded SEO articles must align with user experience. Conversely, conventional articles are tailored for human consumption and adapt to varied purposes, content lengths, depths, keywords, and search intent.

different purposes

  • The primary objective of SEO articles is to secure a prominent position on the first page of search engine rankings, thereby enthralling a greater influx of traffic.
  • The composition of general articles encompasses a plethora of styles and approaches, with the structure and content remaining unaffected by keyword and SEO regulations.

Content Length and Depth

  • SEO articles typically encompass a substantial depth of knowledge, often exceeding a word count of 1000 or more. Additionally, they are adorned with the incorporation of schema markup.
  • The length of a typical piece of writing may vary, encompassing short stories, essays, and narratives, contingent upon the writer’s unrestricted creativity.

Keywords and Search Ideas

  • SEO articles typically encompass primary keywords and their associated long-tail counterparts, necessitating the meticulous validation of search intent.
  • Conventional articles tend to refrain from emphasizing primary keywords; instead, their central focus resides in content articulation and narrative elucidation.

How to write SEO articles?

Crafting a high-quality SEO article entails traversing a ten-fold journey. This odyssey involves cherry-picking the apt keywords, keenly surveying the competitive landscape, establishing a robust framework for the SEO article, fashioning a beguiling and compelling title, shaping the SEO article’s Meta Description, weaving the tapestry of content, enriching it with multimedia elements such as images, graphs, and videos, adroitly employing internal and external hyperlinks, structuring the content meticulously, and culminating with a call to action in the denouement. By adhering to these meticulous steps, one can conjure forth an SEO article of superior quality, thereby ushering in a surge of web traffic and enhanced exposure for the website.

Confirm SEO Article Keywords

In writing SEO articles, the paramount consideration lies in the meticulous verification of the keywords for the given piece. When strategizing the selection of SEO article keywords, it is advisable to begin with the creation of a mind map or the organization of vertically or horizontally aligned relevant keywords. This approach not only aids in the prevention of keyword gluttony issues but also ensures a more refined and coherent composition of SEO articles.

To ascertain the SEO keywords for your articles, consider employing online, complimentary keyword tools such as Ahrefs and Ubersuggest. For those engaged in advertising, Google Trends and Google Ads prove invaluable. By utilizing Google’s suite of tools, you can gain a more profound understanding of keyword relevance, search volume, and competition.

Observe the competition

The quintessential aspect of SEO operations lies in comprehending one’s competitors. It is imperative to pull down your adversaries in order to ascend to the coveted first page. Therefore, you should meticulously scrutinize Google’s search intent for the targeted keyword, article structure, titles, and content direction. The more thorough your observation, the more advantageous it will be in crafting SEO articles. However, it is important to emphasize that this process involves analysis, not content plagiarism.

SEO Article Structure

Determine the SEO article structure, usually the most relevant words and phrases will be placed at the top of the article, because writing SEO articles will be the way to open the door to the mountain of writing, usually planning a few outlines and thinking about the direction of the SEO article structure is as follows:

  • Title
  • preamble
  • Internal text (H2, H3 hierarchy required)
  • Images, inserted in the article
  • lists
  • Call to Action

Extended Reading: What are Meta Description/Meta Title?How to write for optimizing SEO?

Extended Reading: What are Meta Description/Meta Title?How to write for optimizing SEO?

SEO Article Title

The Meta Title in SEO articles plays a pivotal role in influencing the click-through rate. Well-crafted titles have the potential to enhance your click-through rate significantly. A well-optimized SEO article title necessitates the incorporation of core keywords at the outset. Ideally, it should comprise 25-30 words, with 40-60 characters in English. Inclusion of the brand name is also recommended, and the incorporation of numbers or compelling vocabulary can further entice user engagement.

SEO Articles Meta Description

For an engaging and effective Meta Description, it is advisable to craft a concise narrative within the range of 75 to 100 words. Focus on key points relevant to the subject matter, refrain from unrelated content, and position keywords near the outset. Employ an approach that entices readers from the very beginning, as more captivating content tends to draw a higher volume of clicks, subsequently impacting the website’s ranking.

Content Writing

In the realm of content creation, apart from adhering to SEO search intent, compositions are typically structured using the 5W1H method and often employ the art of problematization. To achieve a favorable SEO ranking, one must strive for originality, diversity, and a high level of expertise in their content. Emphasizing information density and professionalism while refraining from excessive adjectives and redundancies is paramount, as it prevents the emergence of content farms. Furthermore, content crafting necessitates the strategic inclusion of keywords and their relevant counterparts within the narrative.

Writing an SEO article, from planning and structuring to composition, is no small endeavor and often demands more than two hours of one’s time. Daily output is inherently limited by the labor-intensive nature of this process. However, with the aid of an AI article generator, one can enhance their article production significantly. Simply navigate to GenApe’s article composition or SEO tag tools, select an article writing template, input the article title, relevant keywords, and make necessary parameter adjustments to effortlessly generate the framework of an SEO article.

Genape article 2.0 structure

You have the flexibility to reconfigure the structure and content of your article. With a simple click on ‘next,’ the process of article generation commences. In less than 10 minutes, you will possess an SEO-optimized article. A minor content adjustment and posting to your blog will effortlessly yield a well-optimized SEO article.

Genape Article 2.0 Generation Results

Write an article right now:

Write an article right now:

Adding pictures, charts, video and audio

A well-crafted SEO article must invariably incorporate a carefully chosen image, complemented by the inclusion of ALT tags, enabling search engines to discern the imagery’s intent. Furthermore, it is within your purview to introduce relevant images, charts, or multimedia content to enrich the SEO article, rendering it more visually enticing. This, in turn, elevates reader engagement, prolongs their stay, and enhances scrolling activities. Prior to integrating images, due diligence regarding copyright concerns is essential. You may opt to craft your own visuals or access free image repositories. However, it’s worth noting that sifting through free repositories for the desired imagery can be exceptionally time-consuming. Allow me to introduce you to a time-saving AI image generation tool.

Within GenApe, you have the ability to transform Chinese text into images. By simply inputting the desired image description, it swiftly produces the images you desire. For instance, should I input the text ‘A person is diligently crafting an SEO article on a computer,’ the resulting image would be as follows:

GenApe Text to Image

Free use Text to Image:

Free use Text to Image:

Increase internal and external links

When composing SEO articles, the strategic employment of internal and external hyperlinks proves to be instrumental in enhancing the search engine ranking of the content. Internal links facilitate readers’ navigation to other articles within your website, such as recommending related posts, thereby interlinking the content on your website and extending the duration of readers’ visits. On the other hand, external links refer to the practice of linking to other websites, often to provide citation sources or link to high-authority pages, thereby augmenting the website’s credibility. However, when incorporating external links, it is advisable to configure them to open in new windows and ensure that they are marked as “nofollow” to prevent the dispersal of your website’s authority.

Create structured data

Structured data is instrumental in expediting the comprehension of your content by search engines. However, the specific structured data required varies depending on the nature of the content being created for SEO. Typically, when crafting informative articles, the FAQ format is commonly employed. Common formats for structured data include JSON-LD, Microdata, XML, and web files. Google also offers structured data markup assistance tools for those who may not be proficient in coding, enabling the effortless incorporation of structured data in a straightforward manner.

Call to action

In the culmination of composing an SEO article, the imperative lies in crafting a compelling denouement, one that adeptly steers readers towards subsequent actions. Encourage your readers to leave comments, share the article, make purchases, or avail themselves of your services. Accompany these directives with relevant links and contact information, thereby affording your readers the opportunity to effectuate conversions.

After finalizing your SEO article, remember to submit it to Google Search Console. This step allows Google’s web crawlers to index your article, enabling it to appear in search results. SEO articles entail an ongoing process; it’s not just about completion but also entails the continuous monitoring of article rankings and the relentless optimization of content. This approach increases the likelihood of securing a place on the coveted first page of Google search results.

SEO Article Examples

While the preceding discourse has been quite extensive, let us now take this piece as an exemplar of an SEO article. The principal keywords for this article are “Meta Description” and “Meta Title.” Thus, in composing the article title, it is expedient to incorporate these keywords at the outset and accompany them with carefully chosen imagery.

Moving on to the prelude, one can readily discern that the introduction directly delves into the subject matter, exhibiting a well-structured hierarchical approach in the context of SEO article composition. Furthermore, the content extends to a length exceeding 2000 words. As for the substance within, I shall leave it to your perusal.

SEO article exemplar link:

SEO article exemplar link:

SEO Article Writing FAQs

Having perused the salient aspects of SEO article composition, I believe you now possess a certain comprehension of SEO articles. Here, we shall endeavor to address a few prevalent inquiries on the subject:

How many SEO article keyword densities should I include?

Currently, Google does not disclose precise data regarding the keyword density in SEO articles. Incorporating keywords appropriately into content does indeed enhance the article’s merit. However, a deliberate and excessive keyword insertion strategy can lead to penalization by Google, thereby adversely affecting SEO rankings.

Write SEO Articles Fast

In pursuit of expeditious SEO content creation, hasten to avail yourself of GenApe’s complimentary trial. It offers an abundance of SEO content writing templates, all of which serve to enhance your writing efficiency.

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Table of contents
  1. 1.
    Difference Between SEO Articles and General Articles
  2. 2.
    How to write SEO articles?
  3. 3.
    SEO Article Examples
  4. 4.
    SEO Article Writing FAQs
  5. 5.
    Write SEO Articles Fast


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SEO Writing:10 Key Points to Improve SEO Article Ranking

To stand out in the fiercely competitive online landscape, the craft of composing SEO articles emerges as a matter of paramount importance. It bestows upon a website the gift of organic traffic. In this composition, I shall impart the art of crafting SEO articles, breaking down the article's structure into 10 distinct steps, encompassing elements such as the article's title and its overarching framework. This expedient guide shall empower you to promptly compose an SEO article, thereby elevating your ranking in the search engine results

Last Updated: 2024/09/03

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